Blue Oasis Car Wash
Auto Services
7am to 8pm Monday thru Sunday
Driving Directions:
We are located on the corner of Perris Boulevard and Ramona Expressway, right next to AMPM and the ARCO gas station. Only 1.5 miles off the 215 Frwy exit Ramona Expressway.
About Us
Blue Oasis Car Wash in Perris, CA. Is dedicated and committed to providing the best service to our customers and community.
We are located on the corner of Perris Boulevard and Ramona Expressway, right next to AMPM and the ARCO gas station.
Rep/Contact Info
Laniea DominguezLaniea DominguezMarketing- Phone: (951) 627-0351
Sue YeomanSue YeomanMarketing Director- Phone: (909) 240-6868
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